lunes, diciembre 14, 2009

Impactos contra peatones y ciclistas (¡Estos gringos ya no saben qué inventar! - Parte XV)

Hace un tiempo te hablé de un libro que trata sobre la biomecánica del trauma. Te cuento que Springer publicó en agosto de 2009 un libro relacionado que lleva el título Pedestrian and Cyclist Impact: A Biomechanical Perspective(Ciaran Simms, Denis Wood; 2009).

La descripción del libro en el sitio web de Springer dice lo siguiente:
The protection of pedestrians is the most important global road safety priority. This is the first book to provide a detailed treatment of the physical processes which occur when pedestrians and cyclists are struck by motorised vehicles.

The principal focus is to show how pedestrian and cyclist pre-impact movements and vehicle design influence subsequent injury outcome. This involves recourse to several academic disciplines: epidemiology, mechanics, and anatomy/physiology. Therefore this book presents pedestrian and cyclist impact from a biomechanical perspective. It features a detailed treatment of the physics of pedestrian and cyclist impact, as well as a review of the accident databases and the relevant injury criteria used in the assessment of pedestrian and cyclist injuries. New data detailing the kinematics of the impact processes are presented, and the relationship between vehicle impact speed and projection distance and the relative importance of ground related injuries compared to vehicle related injuries is assessed in detail. The final focus is on the complex relationship between vehicle design and pedestrian and cyclist injury outcome in the event of a collision.

This book is a “one stop” source for understanding the mechanics of pedestrian and cyclist impact and is therefore of significant value to both new and established researchers.
En la vida se me hubiera ocurrido que encontraría un libro como este. Acá el enlace a la vista preliminar del libro en Google Books, en el caso de que no puedas ver el componente que incrusto a continuación:

1 comentario:

  1. muy gracioso el post. En el fondo cualquier tema puede ser interesante. En este caso como mucho un capitulo pero un libro entero es demasiado. ja jaja
    Por lo menos si ha conseguido que se lo publiquen me da esperanzas de que pueda escribir un libro y me lo publiquen a mi tambien.

    Juan fisioterapia madrid
